Tuesday, March 30, 2010

One Day

Sometimes I lay under the moon

And I thank God I'm breathin'

Then I pray don't take me soon'

Cause I am here for a reason

Sometimes in my tears I drown

But I never let it get me down

So when negativity surrounds

I know someday it'll all turn around because

All my life I been waitin' for

I been prayin' for, for the people to say

That we don't want to fight no more

They'll be no more wars

And our children will play, one day

It's not about win or lose 'cause we all lose

When they feed on the souls of the innocent blood

Drenched pavement keep on movin'

Though the waters stay ragin'

And in this life you may lose your way

It might drive you crazy

But don't let it phase you, no way

Sometimes in my tears I drown

But I never let it get me down

So when negativity surrounds

I know someday it'll all turn around because

All my life I been waitin' for

I been prayin' for, for the people to say

That we don't want to fight no more

They'll be no more wars

And our children will play, one day

One day this all will change

Treat people the same

Stop with the violence down with the hate

One day we'll all be free and proud

To be under the same sun

Singing songs of freedom like

I chose this song by Matisyahu because I find his music really easy to listen to. His lyrics in his songs speak to me in a poetic way. I enjoy most of his music, and he is very talented. This songs lyrics are all about being sad and down about something but not letting it get to you and overcoming your problems. This song relates to my life right now in a different kind of sad and depression. My favorite lyrics in the song are, " And in this life you may lose your way, it might drive you crazy, but don't let it phase you."

Thursday, March 18, 2010


He feels empty with the life that surrounds him,

Tossing and turning endlessly.

Trapped in a world he wants to be a utopia,

But it's everything besides that.

The man feels headless,

Because he doesn't know what to think.

He views himself dead on the inside and out,

Looking for a way to escape his problems.

As the washer goes round and round,

It wears and washes down his emotions.

Spinning and spinning,

Without any sign of stopping.

He's trapped--


Monday, March 15, 2010

Why do painters enjoy the thrill of paint?
I miss the Tuesday nights, hanging out with my father.
I'm not going to give up what I want, I'll stay strong.
My feelings and my thoughts are read on this paper.
As the sun rises, I love the sight of that sky...blue.
When we talk, I hear your voice like music.

Your voice symbolizes each sound, like notes of music.
How do you ruin a perfectly clean canvas? Paint.
I love looking into your eyes, and all I can see is blue.
One of the persons I look to the most is my father.
It's a damn shame that our nation revolves around green paper.
One of her best qualities is that she's independent and strong.

The legs she uses to pick herself up, they're weak, but strong.
As I turn the dial clockwise, the vibrations are in sync with the music.
The grocery stores are going green, no more asking, " Plastic or paper?"
The next art project requires either charcoal or paint.
I am the man I am today, because of my father.
The water is erie black, yet daytime comes, and it's blue.

As the shower pours out water, the pressure is warm and strong.
My favorite pair of jeans, comfy and fit, are denim blue.
The man upstairs looks over me, and I call him father.
Putting my headphones on, I listen to the sound of music.
Moving the brush side to side, I paint.
The money isn't there anymore, he ended our subscription to the paper.

To start the nice warm fire, I use old paper.
The flame reaching such a temperature, the base is blue.
I'm empty on the inside, and I would rather watch walls dry of paint.
I look back at our relationship, and I probably came on too strong.
As Lupe spits to his beat, he creates music.
I want to have kids when I'm older, and become a father.

Fifteen years from now, I look forward to the day of the fathers.
Hospitals are going with technology, no more paper.
Things that make me smile in life are necessary, like music.
I cheer for my team every week, wearing maze and blue.
The heroes of September 11th, qualify as army strong.
I now comprehend why painters enjoy the thrill of paint.

I look into my fathers eyes, and the gentle shade of blue.
I write the poetic thoughts on paper, my grip proper; strong.
The music my ears listen for, is often expressed with paint.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Something Else

The world moves with you.
Orbiting around the sun.
Please don't stop breathing...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Inside and Out

As a writer,
I write what I see and feel.
It is so hard to say those three words to you,
As I wonder what your response would be.
I love you.
When we talk, I listen to you.
When I make you smile,
I smile too.
Your beautiful face,
With those big blue eyes, and
Elegant brunette hair.
Take my breath away.
The simple presence of you,
Gives me life.
When we don't talk,
I think about you.
You are everything to me,
Inside and out.
When I see you,
My insides drop like I am on the biggest roller coaster.
The air in my lungs--absent.
All I can do is be patient for you,
Because without you in my life,
I am empty.
If things don't work out,
I'll just wonder why...
Those three words are so hard to say to you,
But I really do love you.

Monday, March 1, 2010

AoW Response

This weeks AoW was very controversal. It was a very interesting story to read and my heart goes out to Jordan Brown and his family. However, after reading this article, I found myself siding with the state prosecutors. All of the evidence was against Jordan whether you like it or not. He killed that woman who just happened to be pregnant, so I believe if your 11 years old you know right from wrong. Jordan knew that killing someone is the wrong thing, but he chose to do it. I would like to see Jordan tried as an adult, because he is a danger to society and justice needs to be served for the lives he took. On an economics side of this issue, if Jordan is sentenced to life in prison, I think prosecutors should just give him the death penalty. I say this because the average prisoner costs tax payers roughly $30,000 a year, so why not save a few million dollars and just end his life. We have to get out of this recession somehow and with a killer not in our world anymore is ok with me. Sounds harsh, but its the truth people.