Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Golf Swing

As I line up to the ball,
I think about where I want it to go.
I back up to align myself,
I lick the tip of my index finger to feel the wind blow.
Pick the grass below my feet and tos it into the air that surrounds me.
Visualizing the ball landing exactly where I want it.
With my feet spread and my grip ready,
I take one last look at the green.
With my club now off the dewy grass,
I watch the water splash off my club in my peripheral vision.
I think about keeping my head still,
Staying parallel,
And letting the clubface do the work.
Two seconds later the ball is airbourne and toward the green.
As I finish my follow through,
I watch the ball as it travels through the windy air.
When the ball makes a divot on the green,
I'm satisfied.
I proceed with this thought process seventy-eight more times...

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